The Feldenkrais Method is distinct from other methodologies by its use of gentle movement coupled with focused attention. Through novel movement explorations, you develop and refine your capacity to coordinate and regulate yourself more completely. Outcomes may include increased range of motion, improved flexibility, decreased pain, enhanced organization, and recovery of your innate capacity for graceful and efficient movement.
Who Developed the Method?
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, DSc (1904-1984) was an Israeli physicist, athlete, author, and educator. He developed his method after a disabling knee injury by improving his kinesthetic awareness. Over time, he taught himself to walk without pain. Dr. Feldenkrais began teaching others to enhance their abilities to sense and coordinate easy, e?ective movement. He investigated human movement of all kinds, from observing infants to his understanding of martial arts as a black belt in judo.
What are Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) Lessons?
A Feldenkrais practitioner verbally leads you in a speci?c sequence of gestures while you are seated or lying on the ?oor, standing, or sitting on a chair. These precisely structured explorations engage you completely, through thinking, sensing, moving, feeling, imagining. Lessons provide the opportunity to identify habitual movement patterns and to discover and learn better options. Dr. Feldenkrais developed more than a thousand widely varied and unique ATMs, each with a di?erent focus. A lesson typically lasts 30-60 minutes.
What Can ATM Do For Me?
Neural plasticity – the ability of the brain to adapt by changing neuron structure, function, and organization – occurs at every age. The brain develops new neurons as we learn. Research also suggests ATMs can help with:
- reducing pain while improving mobility
- decreasing fall risk by enhancing balance
- increasing contentment, self-acceptance, and self-con?dence in people with eating disorders
- treatment for neck pain as e?ectively as chiropractic, TENS, acupuncture, massage, tai chi, and yoga
For more information, go to, and read the chapter about Dr. Feldenkrais in Dr. Norman Doidge’s recently published book The Brain’s Way of Healing at